Thursday, December 27, 2007

Reese and all her Christmas fun

This pic should be last, but I forgot about it. This is the night of Christmas, after everyone left, and the house was getting back to "normal". Her expresion says it all. Exhaustion

The ball popper.
A big hit.

"Hummm I don't know about this!!"

Granny Great Allen got Reese this pony. It is a very fancy pony compared to what we grew up with. We were all very excited to see Grandma Ruby (Allen) this year. It had been 3 years since she had felt like coming to Christmas. She was really excited to see Reese enjoying the pony. She made a remark about Grandpa being proud of a pony rider like her. I think he would be too. :)
"Enough with the gifts!!!"

Xmas w/ Grandpa Roger & Susan

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bob wasn't too happy sharing the bed for nap time.

So far these are the only blue jeans Reesee has been able to wear. She has her mamma's thighs. So I had to take a picture, this is her "Cher" outfit.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Birthday bash # 2

This time we got white cake. Reese REALLY liked it!!

Aunt "B"

Grandpa Roger, and Grandma Susan


Reese was worn out from her birthday party. This look sums it up for her!!

I only have a few pics of the "big day" I will post more when I get them.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It has been a busy week for Reesie. She can get into her rocking chair by herself, she can get her necklaces on over her head,,,, and she can DANCE !!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

First Birthday

First Birthday outfit

Yes, I made it!!

Grandma Linda

Aunt Stacie

New wagon!!! And friends to ride with!!!

Reese had her first,First birthday party(born on Dec 15th). Grandma, and Aunt Stacie came down to celebrate. She had a blast! LOTS of presents, I made her cake (first and good possibiltiy the last).
She got a little crancky at the end, But come to find out she has her first ear infection. Poor thing!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Not a big fan of the winter coat and hat.

Reese and Grandma Ruby's snow globe.

Reese and Gabriel's first "real" play time. She is just now old enough to get on the floor and play. Gabriel is SO cute!!! He let her mal him, and took it like a champ. Then when we got ready to leave he loved on her. These two will be having many more fun Thanksgivings together!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Reese's picture's are up @ Amber's photo site.
Thank you Kathy for the gift certificate!!!!! I love the pic's,,, but in my defense, I was talked into the pink bow in the hair,,, gutt told me no,,,, I will listen to it next time!!
It looks BAD!!! :)
Password bob

Sunday, November 18, 2007