Monday, November 3, 2008

Andy Man

Today I had to put our Andy man to sleep. I took him in to get fixed, and his shots since he had now made our new home his too. He spent the day time outside, and at night he would come in and sleep at our feet. He just started to sit with Reese and I at night when we would rock. Andy loved Reese, you could tell.
He had the feline leukemia and aids.
He couldn't be around any other cats, so I had no other choice.He was such a good cat. You may laugh, but he was special. He looked after Reese. He would follow us when we took walks just like a dog. I hate this. I hate we can get so attached to animals.
I had no clue I would miss him, or even cared this much.
I hate this


hsing3kinder said...

(((Volkman Family)))
~ I'm so sorry my friend.

Sarah D said...

I'm sorry Emily.

Pets really can be a part of your family and I hate that you have to go through this.