Monday, July 28, 2008

Update on the crafts... The fishing game has gone over real well. Reese really likes to play "fishes"

Didn't get to the food making .:(

Sat. we washed cars, mine and Reese's
we were all soaked by the end on the day
she is trying to fill up her bubble thing, with the sprayer being on mist setting
her car shinned when she was done,,, mine has hard water marks on it. :)
This weekend we tried to really do the potty thing, It has gone over VERY well!!! the only thing is she really prefers the swimming pull up. Here I got her in panties, and I think that was the last time. She had put these on herself. There is one on each leg. She was very proud of herself!!

Now this may be the last pic in awhile,,, I have lost my battery charger to my camera. Friday I was doing some "major" cleaning,, I remember seeing it and putting it up, not where it usually goes, but somewhere safe.
Now I can't find the damn thing!!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

one on each leg... love that!