Tuesday, July 15, 2008

weekend fun

GIMPY!!! This is Gimpy, the goat Chris got me,that now is at Barb's farm. It was to confusing to try to explain donkeys to Reese, so they are nay,nay's too :)
She wasn't afraid of this one
And then we have Andy the Lama. He is the only one of the animals that frightens me. The thought of being spit on makes my toes curl.

But then there is Cricket, who is SOOO beautiful and nice. I need to get a better picture of her face. She has the longest eyelashes. Reese REALLY liked her!!! Fun morning at the farm.
Cute short,short dress

and ruffle butts with her name on it. Thank L!!!!
Ah,, Andy
worn out swimmer


Sarah D said...

Did you really get a goat?

My Mom has been asking for one for a long time. Her old goat Gladys got ran over. Sad when goats die.

Emily Volkman said...

Sure did!! I loved the goats. Chris and his dad had a herd at one time. We had babies and everything!!! I would have them here if we could.!!